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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Passing of Days + The Eating of Raw

Each day holds within it, if we choose, a chance to live a lifetime of memories. The memories that we choose to draw into our mind are selected sometimes by our desire to try and change the present, to make it easier by reassuring ourselves that what we did or chose was the right thing or maybe even to punish ourselves for past mistakes. Memories are our anchor to the past. Sometimes they can give us comfort in who we are and how we got here and other times they can lock us to self destructive thinking and shackle us to a place of misery. Many times our memories aren't even accurate!
All too often, I drag into my thinking the thoughts and feelings of the past and I allow them to wash over me and drag me under. When I choose to eat Raw, it is like a battle front for me. It keeps my mind clear and focused. It helps me to reach out and allow my mind and heart to accept new and positive thinking. Some days I have to go farther and lean on the guidance and friendship of others to help me threw some low spots because nothing can replace the support of a caring person.
Eating raw, Cleansing, exercise all help me to battle against bad thinking and everyday is a new chance to make things just a bit better.

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