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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

OH week 3 in the water!

All I can say is WOW. I can't get over the difference in my life with getting up and getting in the water at 5 am! I never thought that I would crave exercise EVER! Now in the afternoon, even when I have been up since 4 swimming for an hour, I could go back and swim another hour! All I can say is that it's the Raw food. Yup! It gives me the energy and clear headed desire to move my body. Raw eating feeds my mind as well as my body and I have never had such a clear vision of my health before. I am looking forward to joining the 50 mile club and I hope to finish it much sooner than the year they give you. It is 36 laps per mile x 50 so... you do the math how many laps that is hehe. pssst that is 1800 *faints* hehe Ah I know I can do it, I did 15 Laps on one day I should be able to do 20 by the end of this week and I swim 5 days a week :) So easy right? That's only 18 weeks!

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